Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010 By: healt and herbal

Mangosteen and Health

Mangosteen and health go hand in hand. For centuries, the mangosteen fruit has been recognized for its incredible health benefits in Southeast Asia. There, the mangosteen and health benefits are very well-known. Affectionately dubbed the "Queen of Fruits", mangosteen is native to the Southeast Asian countries of Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. It is this area of the world that has discovered the mangosteen and health benefits.
This tropical fruit is about the size of a tangerine, with a dark to red purple rind, is multi-segmented and has a milky white flesh. While the mangosteen is revered for its exquisite taste, it is best known for its medicinal properties. Mangosteen has been used in folk medicine to treat everything from skin disorders to dysentery.
Not until recently have the amazing benefits been recognized in other parts of the world. Thanks to improved distribution, education, and a more widespread awareness of holistic remedies, this remarkable fruit is now available worldwide.
Thousands of people around the world are hooked on mangosteen and health benefits.


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