Rabu, 15 Desember 2010 By: healt and herbal

American Ginseng

Name: American Ginseng
Biological Name: Panax Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius Family: Araliaceae
Other Names: American Ginseng, Five fingers, Tartar Root, five leafed ginseng, redberry, garantoquen, sang, Ginseng - American
Parts Used: Root
Active Compounds: Glycoside content of the plant is believed to be responsible for the herb's stress response.
Remedies For Demulcent, panacea, stimulant, stomachic
Ginseng is best known for its anti-fatigue, energy giving properties. It is widely used as a stimulant.
This herb is believed to be of value in any condition where nervous or mental exhaustion is concerned. Accepted as being beneficial in loss of appetite, stomach and digestive affections (to relieve nausea and vomiting)
American Indian tribes use it as a love potion and charm. It is world's number one aphrodisiac.
Description: Perennial herb. Grows to 8-24 inches tall. The plant has three compound leaves, each composed of five toothed leaflets, atop a straight stem. Tiny greenish white flowers appear in June-July. Bright red berries appear in late summer. The root is fleshy and is the part used as a herb.
The root grows very slowly. It takes approximately 5-7 years to attain usable size. The name Panax is very closely related to the word panacea, all-healing. It had been respected for centuries as a cure-all. "Ginseng" means "wonder of the world".
Dosage: Dried ginseng can be chewed or it can be powdered and brewed as tea. Use as required.


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